CPT指南 >>> Use this document to request CPT. It contains information about CPT, the application process, and the forms and documents required to receive CPT authorization.

OPT指南 >>> Use this document to request OPT. It contains information about OPT, the application process, and the forms and documents required to apply for OPT authorization. You will also need 美国入籍与移民服务局表格I-765 - see below.

OPT指南 STEM Extension >>> Use this document to request the OPT STEM EXTENSION. It contains information about the STEM extension, the application process, and the forms and documents required to apply for authorization. You will also need the 美国入籍与移民服务局表格I-765- see below. The I-983 is pre-populated & included in this application. The digital form is below.

J-1 Academic Training Guide >>> Use this document if you are on a J-1 visa and seeking employment authorization.

选择信息 Update >>> Use this form while you are on OPT to update the 国际 项目 Office of any changes in your personal or employment information. All OPT updates must be completed online. We no longer accept paper OPT update forms.

Tax Preparation Services >>> If you worked in the U.S. you must file your taxes every year. This document provides a list of local companies that assist with filing taxes. You can also read more on the 国税局的网站 .

美国入籍与移民服务局表格I-765 >>> U.S. Government's application for employment authorization, including OPT. Please use the most up to date I-765 by downloading it from 美国入籍与移民服务局' website. Please type this form to reduce any errors that could be caused by handwriting it. If applying for OPT, you will also need the OPT指南 - see above. Please read employment authorization guide for information about how to properly complete this form.

美国入籍与移民服务局表格I-983 >>> U.S. Government's Training plan for OPT STEM Students. This form is required for students applying for the OPT STEM extension. Please see the OPT STEM Extension guide for a pre-populated with 利记sbo information.

美国入籍与移民服务局表格G - 1450 >>> U.S. Government's form used to submit a credit card payment with an I-765 application for OPT or OPT STEM

美国入籍与移民服务局表格G - 1145 >>> U.S. Government's e-notification form that can be submitted with an I-765 application for OPT or OPT STEM


A. Alfred Taubman Student Services Center

Associate Director of 国际 项目
国际 Advisor